Thursday, August 28, 2008

This one's for you Renae

It has been brought to my attention (Renae) that I no longer blog. Yes, it's true, I've lost that blogging feeling and it's gone, gone, gone. But, I will do my best to post a few lines here and there when I can spare a few moments. I've just gotten so caught up with living life that I barely have time to sit in front of the computer and allow cyberspace to suck me in. School is in full swing, Nolan is walking, talking and another class has begun. Football practice 3 nights a week is also another hindrance.

So, Renae, what about your blog????

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One Small step for man one giant leap for blueberries

To my amazement Nolan took his first steps on Saturday, August 9th. I was nonchalantly getting some blueberries out to snack on and sat on the couch to dig in. Nolan took one look and decided to "walk" on over to acquire these sweet, blue treats. I screamed with delight and surprise and scared my husband to death. He looks so cute lifting those chunky feet and wobbling around. Yet another milestone.