Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nolan's Christmas party

I attended Nolan's Christmas party and enjoyed watching the adorable children exchange and open their gifts to each other. Pictured below are some reindeer antlers that all the children wore and as you can see, Nolan isn't so sure he likes them on his head. My 10 year old, Zachery, however, thought they were very cool and has taken ownership.

It's funny how the transfer takes place. I remember as a child loving to open presents and going to my best friend, Allison's house and
each of us showing what we got for Christmas. Now, I get so much pleasure from just watching my children's faces light up and seeing the spirit and joy of Christmas through their eyes. It's true, materialistic things don't make you happy it's those precious to our hearts
that make it all worthwhile.

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Goldmine Classic

Congratulations to my son, Zachery, for pinning all 3 of his opponents and making it to the final round. He went up against the returning state champ and lost, but I'm so proud of him for getting a second place medal against some pretty fierce competition. Way to go!
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Friday, December 12, 2008

Regents Test

As part of my current enrollment in college and upon receiving a college degree all students must take and pass what is called a Regents Test exam. This 2 hour long test consists of reading comprehension by the way of 54 multiple choice questions, the second portion of the test is a written essay in which you choose one topic and form a thesis and have one hour to write.

This was a strenuous two hour time frame as I am not a relaxed or confident test taker. It was tough giving up a Saturday morning; especially when I needed to be somewhere immediately after.

Thank the lord I don't have to take it again.............I PASSED IT! Yippppeee! I'm so proud, because I thought for sure that I would be sitting again for another 2 hours of torture! But, I don't ever have to worry about it again.