Monday, April 7, 2008

Ear infections

This morning I took Nolan for a re-check on his ears following a double ear infection. His right ear looked good, but the left one still had not cleared up. More antibiotics. It's tough, because he doesn't act the least bit sick. No fever. He just seems like the same old Nolan - laughing and playing and eating like a little piggy.

I guess this calls for a visit to the ENT specialist. Our pediatrician suggests going and having a hearing test done and making sure this round of meds clears up the infection. I dread hearing the "T" word *tubes*. I know they would help, but he's just so little and sweet and innocent. The thought of putting him to sleep makes me cringe. I'm afraid he'll come out of surgery a different person - frowning, unhappy and just plain mean. I know, I need to chill.

My oldest, Zachery, had tubes and that was tough too, but he was a little older, I think he was between 2 and 3. He hasn't had an ear infection since - so yes they did help - but it still doesn't make it any easier to think of Nolan having to have surgery.

Being a mother is so tough. I guess that I should be thankful that there is a helpful invention, such as tubes, so that my son's hearing is not damaged from habitual infections. I would have more easily settled for a child that didn't get ear infections. Life just isn't that easy. Besides, things could always be worse. I should consider myself blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope everything works out. if nolan does have to have tubes, there's no doubt in my mind, he'll come out of it, with the same easy-going, and fun-loving personality. it make take him a couple of weeks, but he'll be the same old nolan!!!