Saturday, April 26, 2008

Father son night out

Brian and Zachery went to their first drag race together. They went with two other dads and their sons to an evening of manly fun. I was excited for them to have this time together...........until the phone call. My bubble was burst when Brian called to say that Zachery was upset and not enjoying himself. I don't think Zachery knew what to expect and when the cars sped by with sounds that shake your insides out and forced your eyes to rattle it totally freaked him out. They spent a great deal of time outside of the arena around the food stands and various other activities. I spoke with my friend, Marie, who's husband was one of the others in attendance. I explained what was happening and she was sorry and upset for me and for them. Not long after we hung up, I answered my phone to an astonishingly, excited sped up version of my son talking. He LOVED it! He was talking so incessantly that I couldn't get a word in. I did manage to hear something about large explosions that were fireworks, but were more like bombs - that apparently was Cool! He was still psyched up when they got home and went on about the fun evening.
What a relief! Maybe this can be a yearly tradition with the fellas.
I'm thankful for their bonding time.

As for me and Nolan - we enjoyed a quiet evening at home. Next time the wives and I are going to get together for some of our own fanfare. Come to think of it, next Friday may be that night. The guys are supposed to get together for a camping/fishing birthday party. Let's start planning..............

Marie - you're the best - thanks so much for talking with me last night, relating with my feelings and easing my mind.

1 comment:

justjuls said...

Those loud noises are pretty frightening - but I'm glad he adjusted and ended up enjoying himself.
I seem to remember you or Renae hating the firetrucks at the parade - because they were so loud. Who was that?