Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Matthews/Bingham Rock Band

Have you heard of this newly formed Rock Band? Alisha is thumping the base, Zachery is banging those drums, Wes is strumming the guitar and Brian and Nolan are belting out the tunes. They rocked the Matthews house on Sunday, March 3, 2008 and played 4 straight hours of non-stop hits.

Here the vocalists show their stuff with notes that would send chills down your spine.

Look at Grandma Paula play that guitar, she looks like she's in the groove. Uncle Wes is a pro at the drums and shows off his natural talents as he dazzles us with greatness!

Thanks Uncle Wes for bringing over the Rock Band equipment. We had a blast playing in the band and would love to do it again sometime. I know, don't worry................I won't quit my day job!
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justjuls said...

My kids love this game - they don't have it but they play with friends!
It is so cute to see your family having fun together! Y'all are awesome.

Anonymous said...

That is classic! Maybe we can start a new band in 2 weeks. Ryan has already told me that he wants to be a christian rock star and has written several songs. We could use his material.

justjuls said...

I can't wait for that sister trip!
Maybe we can plan Tennessee in the mountains in the fall - whaddya think? It'll be so beautiful there then!
I'm open to other ideas - but until Travis starts working steadily - I won't have the GAS MONEY to get anywhere!