Monday, March 10, 2008

Sick and Tired

I just came back from the doctor's office and I have a sinus infection. If you've had one then you know what I'm going through. Fever, sore throat, headache. The pressure around the eyes and nose area is so excruciating that it hurts to move your eyeballs or head. All you want to do is sleep and hope that when you wake up it's gone. In this case, it will take some antibiotics to clear this up. I can't wait to feel back to normal again.

I hope no one takes this as whining.

1 comment:

justjuls said...

Aw you poor thing!
It isn't whining to say you don't feel good. I wish I lived nearby - I'd would be stirring up a batch of chicken soup and homemade rolls.

Consider yourself hugged!